Music Player Series IntroductionThe TRACER music player TSQ-01 數位串流器 The TRACER TS-10 輸入端子: RCA x 3預輸出端子: RCA x 1迴轉率: 50 V / µs S/N 訊號雜訊比: 110dB重量: 7公斤輸出功率: 70 瓦 / 8 歐姆 頻率響應: 2 – 60 kHzDimension (W x H x D): 250 x 143 x 175 mm TS-CDS01 CD Player The TS-CDS01 is designed with a sleek aluminum housing to reduce vibrations occurred when CD is swirling, and it was meticulously designed to offer great durability. Frequency: 200 Hz – 25 kHz S/N 訊號雜訊比: 110dB重量: 7公斤輸出功率: 70 瓦 / 8 歐姆 高雄市鹽埕區七賢二路468號 +886-7-533-7798 頁面 關於日日升最新消息聯絡日日升 追蹤日日升 Facebook Instagram